Our Real Ales

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Maldon Brewing Company – Puck’s Folly 4.2% Maldon, Essex

A golden beer to rival any other. Light and refreshing with a citrus ( some say grapefruit ) note. We use a true English hop, the East Kent Golding, and in great abundance too. Farmers Ales best selling beer.

CAMRA Champion Golden Ale of Essex 2006

Adnams – Southwold 3.7% Southwold, Suffolk

Southwold Bitter is a beautiful copper-coloured beer, late and dry-hopped with Fuggles for a distinctive, lingering hoppiness. Brewed with the finest East Anglian malted barley, sourced locally to the brewery.

Adnams – Ghost Ship 4.5% Southwold, Suffolk

Adnams Ghost Ship is inspired by one of Adnams’ pubs in one of the UK’s most haunted villages, The Bell at Walberswick. The treacherous shifting sandbanks around Walberswick and the Suffolk coast are littered with eerie wrecks of ships from bygone eras.

Ghost Ship is a pale ale with an assertive pithy bitterness, biscuit flavours and fresh citrus aromas.

Darkstar – Hophead 3.8%  Horsham, West Sussex

An extremely clean-drinking pale gold-coloured ale with a strong floral aroma and elderflower notes from the cascade hops. This beer is full-bodied despite its easy drinking strength and dryness.